Yesterday on a whim, I started peeling off the old wallpaper in the powder room. Surprisingly it came off easily. I can’t tell you how relieved I was!
I got all of the wallpaper off in about 2 hours. With the dark wallpaper it hid how MANY holes I put in that small room! So, it took a lot of spackling. I like to use DAP DryDex spackling. It goes on pink and turns white when it is ready to sand and paint. This morning, I started sanding. I decided to paint instead of putting up new wallpaper. Mainly because wall paper is so expensive plus, I’m thinking of resale value and trying to lighten and freshen up the house. So, paint it is! Below are before and after pictures. It looks brighter and better already!
The paint color I chose is the same one I used in our living room last year and I love it! I have lots of gold accents (so happy that gold is back in style!) so I will use lots of those. I still love my little gold and crystal chandelier, so of course it will stay! Ok. Off to paint! Hopefully I will get finished with this project this weekend and I will share Powder Room 2.0 very soon! Have a wonderful weekend!