Happy Tuesday, Everyone! Today I want to share with you these clever little touch up cups for paint. Talk about a great invention! You’ll want some too when you see how handy they are!
First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone that wished us well on our upcoming move! My husband and I are very excited about this new chapter in our lives. There are tons of things we will miss about Bucks County and about the only thing we won’t miss is the weather! And my husband is looking forward to his retirement in a big way. Did I mention this past year he achieved a million mile status over the course of his career? A MILLION. The airline did give him a swell paper weight and special boarding privileges for life. Not that he will want to fly anywhere ever again! Anyway…
So, with selling our house in mind we are doing touch ups here and there. And of course as we take down our mirrors and pictures, we will patch and paint. Recently I found these handy little touch up cups on Amazon. You can get a pack of 3 containers for $12.99 plus free shipping, which is where I ordered mine. Then I saw them for sale on Houzz for $9.99 and free shipping. Go figure. They are also available at Walmart and eBay.
Each cup holds about 12 ounces of paint (or 1 ½ cup) and comes with a stainless steel blending sphere to help shake up the paint thoroughly. The front of the cup has a label so you can record the color, date and room. “Just shake n’ paint”! How clever is that? You can visit their website at www.touchupcup.com for more information and to watch a video. (Not that you need to watch a video to see how to use them. Just saying.)
If you are like me, you have a dozen half empty or mostly empty paint cans that are rusted and the paint is separated or clumpy. Some of my cans are mystery colors that I forgot to label after I painted a particular room. And trust me, after living in this house for 15 years, I’ve painted every square inch at least 3 times. These touch up cups would have come in handy!
So, I’m saving these touch up cups for our next house. I have a feeling I will be painting at least a few rooms at some point. I may also do some painting at Happy Hill. It’s been 6 years since I last painted and I think it could use a fresh coat of paint.
Well, off to do more packing. I’m trying to pawn more furniture off on my boys so hopefully we won’t have quite as much to haul to the new place. It will still take a whole tractor trailer I’m afraid. I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you again for stopping by and supporting me! I love you for it! xox Dell