Greetings and Happy Eclipse Monday! I had this post all ready to go on Friday but instead flew out to Texas to meet my sweet husband and friends for an impromptu getaway. So, here is another fun bridal shower idea! Come and see how to make a bow-bouquet (and hat) for a bridal shower!
I’ve been to my fair share of bridal showers over the years, as I’m guessing you have. A few weekends ago my sisters hosted a lovely bridal shower for my soon to be daughter-in-law. Here is a glimpse of the Parisian party theme:
If you’ve been to a bridal shower or two, you know it’s customary to keep the bows and ribbons from the gifts and someone assembles them into a bouquet for the bride-to-be to use during the rehearsal. It’s also a keepsake from the shower and a way for the bride to remember her special party. Traditionally the bouquet symbolizes the love and support from the bride to be’s family and friends. Here are a few of the gifts:
So, in keeping with tradition, as the guest of honor opens each gift, she hands off the ribbons and bows to someone who makes them into a bouquet using a paper plate. In our case, the bride-to-be opened the gifts, handed the bows to the flower girl, who handed them to her Mother. I must explain why we chose her Mother (Audrey) in particular to assemble the bouquet. My niece, Audrey is arguably the craftiest person in our family. She sews, she paints, she fabricates, she bakes. So, I didn’t even think of asking anyone else to handle this task. (Sorry rest of the family.) Pictured here is the lovely bride-to-be, Brie along with her adorable flower girl/assistant, Sadie.
Also, because Audrey made a bow-bouquet/hat for my other niece’s shower, I wanted her to do the same for my sweet future daughter-in-law. (FDIL) So, not only can Brie, my FDIL carry this as a bouquet at the rehearsal, she can wear it as a hat. I’m here to say that not everyone can pull off this look, but as you can see, my beautiful FDIL can! Proof.
So, somehow Audrey fashioned the assortment of ribbons and bows into this darling hat. She just sat back and collected the bows and wove them into this beautiful creation. I confess this is not my gifting so I’m thankful Audrey was on hand to work her magic. Below is a list of things you’ll need to create your own bouquet:
1-Ribbons and bows from gifts
2-A thick and sturdy paper plate
5-An Audrey (Sorry, you’ll have to find your own. This one is ours.)
So, simply gather your ribbons and bows and have a talented someone fabricate a hat/bouquet for the bride to be! Now that I”m looking at it, you may want to color coordinate your ribbons and bows. Also, if you want lots of grandchildren, don’t tell the bride to be the old wives tale about breaking the ribbons. According to folk lore, the number of ribbons she breaks at the bridal shower is equivalent to the number of children she will have! For the record, I’m fine with that. She broke 4. Bring on the grandchildren! (after the wedding, of course.)
So, just in case you don’t know about the hat option, here it is! At any rate, it will be a fun souvenir from the bridal shower. I hope you have a lovely week! Also, I’d love it if you share my blog with your family and friends. xoxo Dell
p.s. My husband was so sweet and ordered a total eclipse of the sun for my birthday. How thoughtful is he?? <3