Happy Wednesday, friends! We have guests coming in today so this will be my last post for the week. But I wanted to share with you some tips on how to arrange flowers like a pro! Come check it out!
I admit that flower arranging is NOT one of my gifts. My Mother can take a few flowers from her yard and make it look like it came from a high-end florist. (Sadly, that talent was not passed along to me, but I do the best I can.) Usually I just take store bought flowers and chop them off at the same height and stick them in a vase. But lately, I’m trying to up my game a bit. So, naturally, I googled it!
Here’s what I learned.
1-Select your vase or container. (I chose a silver champagne bucket.)
2-Fill it with luke warm water and add a fresh flower food. (that usually comes with cut flowers)
3-Make a grid on top of your container using florist tape or clear tape. If your container has handles or a definitive front and back, be sure to place your grid accordingly. (I used clear tape since that’s all I had on hand, and it worked fine.)
4-Cut flowers at an angle and remove all leaves that will be in the water. (Mine were grocery store roses with a few sprigs of greenery and baby’s breath. I also used three bunches of mixed eucalyptus.) Flowers from your own yard would work beautifully too!
5-Arrange the flowers in the container first until they look even, placing the taller flowers in the center.
6-Fill in with greenery such as leaves or eucalyptus and baby’s breath.
NOTE: I played with the placement of the roses to make sure they were aesthetically spaced. Lastly I added the eucalyptus, the greenery and baby’s breath. (Not bad for a rookie, however, I”m certain my Mother could have done better.) Pink is my favorite color so these make my heart very happy! And just in time for company!
Well, thanks so much for stopping by! Let’s chat next week, okay? Hope you have a fabulous week and weekend!
Hugs and kisses, Dell